The language of creativity at Cambridge School of Art.

The District

For many years we have had a strong relationship with and affection for the Cambridge School of Art. We have run design briefs, critiqued portfolios, and even awarded, er awards. As such when we were asked if we would liked to become associate lecturers, we jumped at the chance. Working with the brilliant and generous Nanette Hoogslag. Nick Jeeves and the MA Design and MA Illustration students who were brought together on a Design Methods and Contexts module we set about giving them our commercial context. Our role was to bring to life the theory they were learning from Nanette and the team as well as some incredible visiting lecturers. It was a steep learning curve for us with 75% of the intake having English as a second language. Naturally the language barrier wasn’t the only challenge, there were cultural differences too. We set the students a brief to suggest a notional new use for our neighbouring Victorian cemetery – an interesting place sandwiched between us and the art school. The responses were as diverse as they were interesting, and in some cases very unexpected. We had a community kitchen, a theatre space, homes for squirrels, and seating for humans among many others. As we went on the journey with the students, perhaps the biggest takeaway was, that whilst in early presentations many stuttered along with a range of live translation tools and things lost in translation they really began to soar when they allowed what they do best, graphic design and illustration, to tell the story. The power of creativity and all that. It was a pleasure to work with such an engaged, fun and creatively talented bunch. More please.

TD_EC_LecturingThe language of creativity at Cambridge School of Art.TD_EC_Lecturing_2IMG_0291IMG_1705-2The language of creativity at Cambridge School of Art.